
Work together | 携手前行,共渡难关








1. 扫码进行心理健康状态测试






3. 寻求在线资源帮助











1. 避免与急性呼吸道感染者密切接触

2. 勤洗手,尤其是在接触病患或病患所在环境后清洁双手

3. 避免在无保护的情况下接触农场牲畜或野生动物

4. 若出现急性呼吸道感染症状,应注意咳嗽礼仪(与他人保持距离,在咳嗽和打喷嚏时用一次性纸巾或衣物捂住口鼻,洗手)

5. 保持警惕,避免前往人群密集区域

6. 进出公共空间时,切记戴口罩

Dear parents,

The unexpected outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia is influencing the whole country. First of all, we would like to extend our sincere greetings and wish you all the best at this special time.

On February 7th, the Education Department of Guangdong Province issued a notification that in order to prevent and contain the epidemic, and ensure the safety and health of faculty, staff and students, schools and colleges of all types and all grades in Gunangdong province must not open before the end of February. The start of spring semester will depend on the outcome of epidemic prevention and contain. The time will be informed as soon as it’s confirmed. All campuses are closed down and students are not allowed to return to campus without the approval of university.

Facing with this anti epidemic battle, the Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology has been in action. GTIIT not only pays close attention to the current epidemic situation, making every effort to properly arrange the upcoming examinations and the spring semester, but also cares for the physical and mental health of all our students, staff, faculty and parents.

Family support plays an important role in students' well-being. The stable emotional state of the parents is the safety base for the students. GTIIT hopes to work together with parents to support the growth of the students.

We have the following resources and suggestions for your reference:


1. Self-testing Questionnaire

*Chinese version only

Scan the QR-code to access the self-testing psychological questionnaire. Once complete, you will get a brief mental health report with professional explanation and suggestions, online resources, and mental health hotlines list. All are free to access.


2. Online Self-help Platform

*Chinese version only

Click "Read More" button at the end of the article to find good resources from online self-help platform.


3. Online Mental Health Clinic

If you feel that the current situation is beyond your control and you can't turn to the local mental health institution for help, follow the WeChat public account of "Shanghai Mental Health Center", select "Medical Assistant- Mental Health Consultation", and click to enter "Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Contain Mental Health Counseling" to enter the speedy consultation section.

*Chinese version only

Under current situation, the emotional response to the catastrophe, which at frist is panic and later becomes depressd and nervious, is a normal reaction. Parents are suggested to listen more from the child, and try to empathize emotions and motivations of the child. This caring and supportive attitude will become a role model and resource for the child to cope with difficulties in the future.

Under current state of uncertainty, parents could create a family routine to support and encourage children gradually to return to a regular lifestyle. Please make use of the opportunity of such condense communication to share emotions, exchange information, and explore possibilities of the future.

Encourage the child to share the information from the university, get the information of epidemic from medical authorities, and take care of yourself and family. The university has provided online counseling service for students especially those in Hubei provice. When you feel it is necessary for your child, encourage him / her to actively seek help from us.

Highly appreciate your strong support and trust to GTIIT as always. Let’s work together to bridge over the difficulties!

Wish you and your family safe and healthy!

Committee of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control, GTIIT

February 9th, 2020

Here are some advices adopted from WHO, the basic principles to reduce the risk of transmission of NCP(Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia) :

1. Avoiding close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections.

2. Frequent hand-washing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment.

3. Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals.

4. People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands).

5. Please remain vigilant at all times and avoid going to crowded areas. 

6. Wear surgical facial masks in common areas at all times.


Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs, GTIIT Student Affairs

